Allow me to beat a dead horse. I know everything about Tyrone Willingham has been discussed, dissected, chewed on, deliberated, and spit out, but let me at least vent here: I cant move on, and I'm not going to either. I HATE TY WILLINGHAM, the complete fraud, the arrogant bastard, that spineless fraction of a man...That DOUCHE! Thanks for nothing you thief, when ever I borrow something from somebody I usually try to leave it in a better state than when I received it. Not Ty. We were all supposed to be grateful that a man of his, ahem, stature was let go so unfairly from Notre Dame and fell into our very laps like manna from heaven. Instead, all he did was, drop a giant deuce on Husky nation and collected a ransom for doing it. I knew it wasn't going to work from his press conference. From the word "go" he was a catastrophe: it was beneath Ty to embrace the donors, he shouldn't have to, they should embrace him, after all they were the ones who were lucky enough to dwell in his presence. Media? Nah...who needs em? all they do is help conjure up excitement and buzz and provide free advertising and marketing for an attention starved program. Fans? What fans? why embrace them, they're only the backbone of the program! Tyrone doesn't deal with the commoners so its easier to alienate the fan base. In that way, being accountable is optional. former players....puh-lease, u are not needed. For Ty, all the blood, sweat and tears left on the playing field to build a legacy, forge tradition, and lay the foundation of a winning program have no place in Ty's world. He knows all about winning, remember? Wrong wrong wrong!! The fraud simply didn't want to be exposed. Instead he just cut off everyone, that way captain littlepants can drink his chocolate milk quietly and reverently like all winning coaches do and not be criticized for the crap practices he held, or the unsound schemes being installed, or the complete garbage of a system he was running. The Emperor was a fraud, he was buck-ass naked for all the world to see, and despite hiding behind his insecure cloak of secrecy, everyone saw him for what he was, is, and always will be: a farce, liar, cheat and thief! Yet there he was, prancing around in front of us all like he was fully clothed. And even though we all knew better, he kept dancing and rubbing our faces in it. He was fine as long as he was collecting a check, he didn't long as he had the backing of the ass-hat Todd Turner, he was fine destroying a once proud program, further stealing, and burning a culture to the ground. For that, You can go to hell Tyrone! May you never be permitted to infest any other football institution with your disregard, your slothful ways, your misguided arrogance, and your distaste for winning. I will no longer devote any of my blog typing your name, but know you will never be forgiven for your complete negligence concerning the Washington husky football program. Vicious animal...shut up Ty!