I feel really dirty for devoting any space to the Oregon Ducks, but just when I thought Oregon's football unis couldn't get any fuglier, they go and do something like this...and totally redeem themselves! Where to begin...I guess when football starts in 1994 they don't have a lot of tradition to draw from, and what little tradition they are trying to build by stringing together a few "nice' seasons, they have no problem flushing down the toilet. What the hell is this crap?! This isn't football! Roller Derby comes to mind when I look at these things. Wings on the shoulders? WINGS?!! REALLY?!! Why not capes? Where is the silver in Oregon's color scheme? When did that become a school color? Hell, where is the ugly-ass-green and piss-yellow in the unis? Who cares if they have 38 different helmets and 421 color combinations? I half expect them to change at halftime like a Hannah Montana concert. I guess that's what happens when you are Nike's personal bitch. This is turning into Uncle Phil's secret obsession. When caught in a private moment you could probably find Uncle Phillis dressed in his newest uniform disaster with a bottle of lotion and an old sock. The pants probably come equipped with detachable crotches to make it easier for the self-love fest that has become the feathered bastards from the south. Here, puke for yourself:
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